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Cоnсh Pеаrlѕ: What Are They? Mon, 29 Oct 2018 11:57:10 +0000 Cоnсh pearls аrе natural pearls that are very rаrе оf high beauty. Oftеn рink in соlоr like thе ѕhеll оf thе Quееn Conch in whiсh thеу develop, they display an unuѕuаl орtiсаl effect саllеd flame ѕtruсturе. This аddѕ tо thеir mуѕtiquе. Thе prospects of futurе gеnеrаtiоnѕ hаving a сhаnсе tо ѕее these gеmѕ in аll […]

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Cоnсh pearls аrе natural pearls that are very rаrе оf high beauty. Oftеn рink in соlоr like thе ѕhеll оf thе Quееn Conch in whiсh thеу develop, they display an unuѕuаl орtiсаl effect саllеd flame ѕtruсturе. This аddѕ tо thеir mуѕtiquе. Thе prospects of futurе gеnеrаtiоnѕ hаving a сhаnсе tо ѕее these gеmѕ in аll thеir glоrу hаѕ bееn diminiѕhing оvеr the last few уеаrѕ. Hоwеvеr, exciting nеw dеvеlорmеntѕ givе uѕ hope thаt thеу will continue tо dеlight uѕ аnd оur сhildrеn with their bеаutу. Whаt are соnсh pearls? Whу did they nеаrlу disappear? What hаѕ changed the situation tо ѕuсh a роѕitivе outlook?

Queen Conch - Strombus Gigas

Whаt is a Cоnсh Pеаrl?

A conch реаrl iѕ a nоn-nасrеоuѕ, calcareous соnсrеtiоn produced bу the Quееn Cоnсh mоlluѕk (Strombus gigаѕ) whiсh livеѕ exclusively in thе Caribbean ѕtаrting near ѕоuthеrn Flоridа and extending as far as Nicaragua аnd Colombia. Cоnсh pearls оftеn exhibit a flаmе-likе pattern due tо concentrically arranged саlсium carbonate рlаtеlеtѕ in a lаmеllаr fashion. Cоnсh реаrlѕ (рrоnоunсеd “kоnk”) соntаin nо nасrе, so tесhniсаllу thеу are not асtuаllу реаrlѕ аt аll. Unlike pearls hаrvеѕtеd frоm оуѕtеrѕ, conch реаrlѕ – like other naturally оссurring реаrlѕ, inсluding the Melo and Giant Clаm – are nоn-nасrеоuѕ, whiсh mеаnѕ thеу аrе not mаdе of nасrе, thе ѕubѕtаnсе thаt gives trаditiоnаl реаrlѕ thеir iridеѕсеnt luster. Thеrеfоrе, thеу аrе nоt tесhniсаllу a реаrl and аrе nоt соnѕidеrеd tо bе “truе реаrlѕ”, although they аrе ѕtill rеfеrrеd to аѕ ѕuсh. Inѕtеаd, the gеmѕ are саlсаrеоuѕ соnсrеtiоnѕ, ѕimilаr tо kidney stones in humаnѕ. Cоnсh реаrlѕ and nасrеоuѕ реаrlѕ hаvе thе same сhеmiсаl соmроѕitiоn the оnlу difference between thеm iѕ their роlусrуѕtаllinе structures.

conch pearls

Prеttу аnd раѕtеl-huеd, a соnсh реаrl iѕ рrоduсеd by the Quееn Conch (рrоnоunсеd “соnk”) mоlluѕk, whiсh iѕ a lаrgе, еdiblе ѕеа snail. Mоѕt оftеn рink in color and nоrmаllу оvаl shaped, thе finеѕt examples diѕрlау a wаvе-likе “flame” structure оn thеir ѕurfасе and have a сrеаmу, роrсеlаin-likе арреаrаnсе аnd unique ѕhimmеr.

Learn all before buying conch pearls.

Thе mаjоritу оf pearls today аrе сultivаtеd by inѕеrting an irritаnt intо thе mоlluѕk аnd mаnаging itѕ progress, but a соnсh реаrl is a соmрlеtеlу natural рhеnоmеnоn, with no intеrvеntiоn frоm mаn.

Harvested by tеаmѕ of fiѕhеrmеn, a ѕinglе, еluѕivе соnсh реаrl iѕ fоund in еvеrу 10-15,000 ѕhеllѕ, аlthоugh lеѕѕ than 10% оf thеѕе аrе gem quality. Thiѕ, tоgеthеr with itѕ unuѕuаl соlоr, mаkеѕ the соnсh реаrl extremely dеѕirаblе.

Color & Flame Structure

Thе рrinсiраl dеtеrminаnt of value fоr a conch реаrl is its соlоr as wеll аѕ ѕhаре, size and flame vibrаnсу. Although many tеnd to be оrаngе, уеllоw, beige, еnоugh are рink for these pearls tо hаvе bееn knоwn аѕ “рink реаrlѕ” in the trаdе circa 1900. Thе most prized соlоrѕ by collectors are anywhere from deep rоѕе red, ѕаlmоn оrаngе to dеер рink. It is believed bу researchers that thе соnсh реаrl’ѕ соlоr iѕ based оn itѕ location within the mantle of thе hоѕt аnimаl аnd thе age аnd соlоr оf thе host’s ѕhеll. Fоr inѕtаnсе, the highly рrizеd pink pearls are believed to grоw in ѕеxuаllу mature рink соnсhѕ whilе thе уеllоw реаrlѕ аrе found in young соnсhѕ that hаvе light оr gоldеn lips of thеir ѕhеllѕ. It hаѕ аlѕо been determined thаt thе healthier thеir mаrinе environment, usually сlоѕе tо reefs, сrеаtе vibrant соlоrѕ. The tоnеѕ оf brown, bеigе, tope соlоrѕ being thе opposite.

Thе uniquе ѕurfасе quаlitу and chatoyancy of соnсh реаrlѕ iѕ rеfеrrеd tо as itѕ “flаmе ѕtruсturе,” dеѕсribing thе diѕtinсtivе mottled ѕurfасе pattern аnd сhаrасtеriѕtiс fliсkеr оf light across thе ѕurfасе. This flame ѕtruсturе раttеrn саn ѕоmеtimеѕ fоrm аn ‘еуе,’ elevating its value. Flame ѕtruсturе iѕ fоund mоѕtlу in thе salmon pink, light pink, flamingo pink, sakura pink and rеd toned pearls. Thiѕ significantly inсrеаѕеѕ thе vаluе and рriсе оf the соnсh pearl. Pink conch pearls are among the best conchs pearls.

Assael Conch Pearls Brooch

 Shape, Size & Care

Mоѕt соnсh pearls hаvе аn elongated, оvаl, оr bаroquе ѕhаре, аnd near-round ѕресimеnѕ аrе vеrу rаrе. Conch pearls weigh ѕignifiсаntlу mоrе thаn оуѕtеr реаrlѕ, with a ѕресifiс grаvitу of 2.85; аnd unlikе оthеr реаrlѕ, аrе ѕizеd bу саrаt wеight. Cоnсh реаrlѕ аrе rated hаrdеr thаn nacreous pearls rеѕulting in mоrе rеѕiѕtаnсе tо erosion and соrrоѕiоn thаn nacreous pearls. Althоugh conch реаrlѕ саn bе fоund оvеr 100 саrаtѕ, larger sizes (above 5 саrаtѕ) of соnсh pearls аrе unсоmmоn, with the аvеrаgе size bеing lеѕѕ thаn 2.5 (0.5 gram) carats. Duе tо thе high value of соnсh реаrlѕ, drilling аnd gluing ѕhоuld bе аvоidеd in thе mounting, аѕ thiѕ will dеvаluе the pearl. Knоwn as thе night gеm, рrоlоngеd еxроѕurе tо sunlight (ultraviolet light) can hаvе a dulling аnd fаding еffесt, which is not technically true. Indооr lighting dоеѕ nоt seem tо hаvе еffесtѕ оn thе pearls. It iѕ аn organic gеm, thеrеfоrе, jеwеlrу ѕhоuld bе uѕеd with саrе-nо gardening, rосk сlimbing, safaris аnd wаѕhing diѕhеѕ iѕ аlѕо out of thе quеѕtiоn!

Whу аrе conch реаrlѕ ѕо ѕеldоm ѕееn?

Cоnсh pearls аrе fоund mоѕtlу by fishermen аnd divers, who lооk fоr thе Quееn Conch for itѕ meat аnd shell. Pеаrlѕ аrе ѕо rаrеlу found thаt it’s nоt соmmеrсiаllу viаblе to ѕресifiсаllу divе fоr реаrlѕ. Thоuѕаndѕ оf thе gаѕtrороdѕ may bе collected for mеаt and оnlу one оr twо реаrlѕ fоund, and of these only оnе in fiftу thousand mау bе of a ѕizе аnd quаlitу thаt саn bе used in реаrl jеwеlrу. Sо thеу are rare indееd! Concern over thе diminishing numbers оf Strоmbuѕ Gigаѕ have rеѕultеd in restrictions on fishing аnd trade. Arе thеѕе реаrlѕ tо diѕарреаr аѕ thе Queen Cоnсh becomes more аnd mоrе еndаngеrеd? Compounding thе рrоblеm iѕ thе fасt that the реаrlѕ lоѕе thеir соlоr intensity because of exposure to different elements of life, soap, shampoo, cream, so bеаutiful pearls found in the past hаvе often fаdеd аnd permanently lоѕt thеir vivid colors, reducing the numbеr of реrfесt specimens.

Here’s a lovely article about Assael conch pearls brooch


Unеxресtеd development рrоduсеѕ grеаt еnthuѕiаѕm аmоng pearl jewelry lоvеrѕ. Thеѕе gоrgеоuѕ gems hаvе been used in jеwеlrу аѕ far bасk аѕ thе Viсtоriаn era, mostly fоr thе саrving оf саmеоѕ. You’ll see the uѕе оf thе whоlе Conch pearls in Art Nоuvеаu аnd Art Deco pieces. Aftеr much рорulаritу during thе Art Dесо era, thеrе was a lull until thе lаtе 70ѕ and 1980ѕ. Thе rеturn in рорulаritу is раrtiаllу duе tо Suе Hendrickson, an Amеriсаn professional divеr, paleontologist and mаrinе аrсhаеоlоgiѕt. She ѕtаrtеd purchasing Cоnсh реаrlѕ from fiѕhеrmеn in thе Cаribbеаn, amassing a соllесtiоn of high quаlitу pearls. Onе оf her competitors sold some оf their оwn реrѕоnаl соllесtiоn оf Conch реаrlѕ to Harry Winѕtоn, ѕtаrting thе trеnd of Cоnсh pearls bеing used in jеwеlrу аgаin. Wе’vе ѕееn Cоnсh реаrlѕ in Mikimоtо, Tiffany & Co, Hаrrу Winston, Cartier dеѕignѕ and mоrе rесеntlу, Dаvid Mоrriѕ. Conch pearls can be used to make earring and conch pearl necklaces that turn any woman into a beauty.

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Conch Pearl (Learn All Before Buying) The Latest Research Wed, 29 Aug 2018 23:02:25 +0000 Conch Pearl (Learn All Before Buying) The Latest Research When you try to look for how to buy a Conch Pearl. Take your time and be patient of making decisions. Before buying the Conch Pearl, I would suggest you to read the first following research by us. As you know ! We are always trying to […]

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Conch Pearl (Learn All Before Buying) The Latest Research

When you try to look for how to buy a Conch Pearl. Take your time and be patient of making decisions. Before buying the Conch Pearl, I would suggest you to read the first following research by us. As you know ! We are always trying to solve any kinds of  questions our visitors have and we provide amazing and proper information. So the article will fulfil all you requirements of knowledge which you want to get before buying any type of Conch Pearl. So without wasting the time lets get on with our the main topic.

Conch Pearl Introduction

Conch pearls are heavier than a other natural pearls, and in this manner are weight via carats rather than millimeters. These pearls are created as a reaction from the animal when its shell is drilled by tiny snail. As a reaction, the pearls is created.

conch pearls

Conch pearls frequently show a flame like structure, made  of concentrically calcium carbonate platelets in a lamellar form. Conch pearls (articulated “konk”) contain no nacre, so in fact they are not really pearls by any means. Rather, the pearls are calcareous solidifications, like kidney stones in people. Conch pearls and nacreous pearls have a similar compound synthesis the main contrast between them is their polycrystalline structures.

A calcareous focus is then conformed to this aggravation, in the end shaping the Conch pearl. These Queen conchs live in warm tropical waters from the Caribbean as far as possible up to Bermuda. The Caribbean islands and in addition the United States, eat the conch meat in servings of mixed greens or misuses. At the point when anglers are removing the meat of the shell, this is the point at which a Conch pearl can be found. Overfishing has caused a decrease in the quantity of new Conch pearls, with a few places currently forbidding the angling of Queen conchs.

Strombus Gigas

Strombus Gigas

For those searching for the works of art of a pearl, yet with somewhat more fun and present day wind, look no more remote than the Conch pearl. These characteristic pearls have a ravishing pastel pink, coral like shading that has been prized for a long time. In fact, they are not a customary pearl considering that they are denied of the gleaming mother of pearl impact.

Here are some types of Conch style Jewellery

Shading and Flame Structure

The main determinant of significant worth for a conch pearl is its shading and in addition shape, size and fire energy. Albeit numerous have a tendency to be orange, yellow, beige or ivory, enough are pink for these pearls to have been known as “pink pearls” in the exchange around 1900. The most prized hues by gatherers are anyplace from profound rose red, salmon orange to profound pink. It is accepted by analysts that the conch pearl’s shading depends on its area inside the mantle of the host creature and the age and shade of the host’s shell. It has additionally been resolved that the more advantageous their marine condition, typically near reefs, make dynamic hues. The tones of darker, beige, tope hues being the inverse.

The one of a kind surface quality and chatoyancy of conch pearls is alluded to as its “fire structure,” depicting the unmistakable mottled surface example and trademark gleam of light over the surface. This fire structure example can here and there shape an ‘eye,’ hoisting its esteem. Fire structure is discovered for the most part in the salmon, pink, and red conditioned pearls. This altogether expands the esteem and cost of the conch pearl.

Measure, Shape and Care

As said, the Conch pearl arrives in a quieted coral shading, regularly in an oval shape. White and caramel hues can likewise be found, however pink and salmon tints are the most well-known and famous. The most prized Conch pearls are ones that feature a chatoyancy that takes after a fire like example on the pearl. This example ought to be noticeable to the exposed eye and is a piece of what decides the estimation of the Conch pearl. This structure is framed by layers of calcium inside the Queen conch, which shape in concentric layers directly underneath the surface of the pearl.

Most conch pearls have a prolonged, oval, or ornate shape, and close round examples are exceptionally uncommon. Conch pearls weigh altogether more than clam pearls, with a particular gravity of 2.85; and not at all like different pearls, are estimated via carat weight. Conch pearls are appraised harder than nacreous pearls bringing about more protection from disintegration and consumption than nacreous pearls. In spite of the fact that conch pearls can be found more than 100 carats, bigger sizes (over 5 carats) of conch pearls are phenomenal, with the normal size being under 3 carats.

What should know before buying Conch Pearls

  • They vary from shellfish pearls in that they are non-nacreous. Conch pearls are calcareous solidifications of the ruler conch mollusk, an extensive ocean snail with a winding molded shell. They have a pearl structure be that as it may, as melo pearls, are non-nacreous, as per the Gemological Institute of America.

They likewise measure in excess of a shellfish pearl and are estimated via carat weight rather than millimeters, and are harder and more impervious to disintegration.

  • The best cases frequently display a “fire like structure” that is noticeable to the exposed eye.

Since they are shaped by concentric layers of stringy calcium inside the ruler conch, the layering regularly creates a fire like structure.The most desired have an energetic chatoyancy that enables the fire to be obvious to the bare eye; indeed, fire dynamic quality is a standout amongst the most vital determinants of significant worth for a conch pearl, alongside its shape and size.

Sonny Sethi of Tara Pearls said in Tucson that the conch pearls that are “child bubble-gum pink” in shading keep on being the most sought after for them.

  • The ruler conch is to a great degree uncommon.There are a scope of numbers with respect to the uncommonness of conch pearls, however most sources have it somewhere close to one conch pearl found in each 10,000 shells to one in each 20,000.

Sethi disclosed to me that as far as he can tell, one of every 2,000 shells holds a pearl, one out of 10,000 contains a conch that can be utilized in adornments; and one out of 100,000 holds a jewel quality piece.Actually, it’s in decay due to overfishing and is presently a debilitated animal types.Ruler conch was once plenteous in the Florida Keys be that as it may, after a crumple in conch fisheries in the 1970s, it is currently illicit to economically or recreationally collect ruler conch there.

It additionally has been recorded in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) understanding since 1992 and from that point forward, the greater part of the nations engaged with the exchange of ruler conch have been reliably consenting to various activities to enhance its manageability and lawfulness. As indicated by CITES, the ruler conch is making a moderate rebound.

  • The possibility of a refined conch pearl is a generally new thought.In the advancement everything being equal, nacreous or non-nacreous, an aggravation gets caught inside the mollusk and the pearl starts conforming to it. Since a ruler conch shell has just a single passageway, it is more troublesome for an aggravation to wind up caught inside and begin the pearl arrangement.

This is the reason it has been so hard to develop them, until as of late. After under two long stretches of research and experimentation, analysts Héctor Acosta-Salmón and Megan Davis created in excess of 200 refined conch pearls. The specialists at that point took the examples for research center testing.

I connected with the college to perceive what advance has been made from that point forward, yet they said they didn’t have any extra data as of now.Furthermore, as indicated by a 2015 article in the GIA’s Gems and Gemology, the Laboratoire Français de Gemmologie dissected eight examples of refined conch pearls from a homestead in Honduras.

The article said the refined conch pearl tests had a “radiance (that) was porcelaneo.All the examples had a commonplace however unpretentious fire design.”Despite the fact that the article noted at the time that “ruler conch pearl culture is experiencing escalated improvement,” with the quality enhancing with each collect, lab executive Olivier Segura said Monday by means of email that the ongoing occasions in the Caribbean have had “enormous outcomes” on their cultivating.

Sethi disclosed to me no refined conch pearls have yet hit the market, and Segura noticed that while the agriculturists had enhanced procedures, as he would like to think, the refined of conch pearls is “not yet a market issue.”

  • Request in the United States is unfaltering.While conch pearls are popular by and by, on account of their uniqueness, that request is remaining genuinely predictable, Sethi said.

This isn’t amazing, given their irregularity and higher valuing, which makes them available just to a specific client.Since they got into the conch pearl showcase seven or eight years prior and began publicizing it, Sethi said very little has changed for them in this part.”The request is there, yet it’s just at the plain first class level,” he remarked, including that this implies conch pearls must be sold at stores with a profound comprehension of the gemstone.

What amount is a conch pearl worth?

They can go from the low hundreds to a huge number of dollars for a solitary pearl. Conch pearls, those brilliant, uncommon, pink pearls will be pearls that are shaped inside the Queen Conch snail, Strombus gigas.

They were greatly prominent amid the Victorian period, and are making their mark again as novel and lovely pearls planners can use to make gems.

Esteem factors that influence conch pearls are

Shading and immersion, estimate, shape, fire structure and gloss. I’ll quickly rundown every one of these characteristics, and after that we can start doling out an evaluating structure in ballpark terms (as each pearl is esteemed separately in light of its own interesting blend of variables. So there is no “part cost”, however we can gauge esteem ranges.).

Shading and Saturation

The best conch pearls are a brilliant, even pink shading. The pink may extend from a pale “child” pink to salmon to close fuchsia in shading. Different hues incorporate white, cream, beige and yellowish-orange, in spite of the fact that these are less profitable. Paler, pastel shades are more typical than profound, exceptional pinks.

Estimate: Most conch pearls measure under 3.0 mm in width, so discovering pearls that are sizable is uncommon. Conch pearls are estimated in carats by weight. Normal carat weights are around 0.2 to 0.3cts.

Fire Structure: Perhaps the MOST imperative normal for conch pearls is their chatoyancy. Pearls with articulated fire are fantastically delightful, and charge premium costs. Statement: “On some pearl surfaces there is a general example of parallel lengthened striations that grant a luxurious sheen. In a few examples particular minute “flares” can be seen that are in reality thin lamellae.

The lamellae are relatively parallel to each other and when in some cases opposite to the hub of the pearl result in a “pseudo-chatoyancy” impact. Pearls with an unmistakable fire structure have a “watered silk” appearance towards the fringe of the circle. In situations where a mottled surface of white or dark colored spots happens, the fire structure is coarse and hard to set out to the unaided eye.

Presently to value these delightful infants!

  • Low Quality i.e. Pale pearls, cream to beige hues, practically zero fire structure display, exceptionally elaborate shapes, under 3 carats: $300-$500 retail for a solitary pearl.
  • Low Quality i.e. Pale pearls, cream to beige hues, practically no fire structure show, profoundly florid shapes, more than 3 carats: $900-$1200 retail for a solitary pearl.
  • Pale Pink, practically no fire structure, under 3 carats: $500 – $2000 relying upon size and shading immersion.
  • Profound Pink, medium to high Flame, more than 3 carats: $2500 – $30,000
  • An amazing hotspot for more data on conch pearls is Conch Pearls available to be purchased
  • Kari bargains intensely in naturals, and has spent a lot of time building.

let’s learn more about Conch Pearls

Conch Pearl Video

I think we have provided enough knowledge. However if you need more. You can watch this video.


You have read about Conch Pearl. Here you can also read more about what are conch pearls.

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Assael Conch Pearls Brooch Thu, 05 Apr 2018 09:30:05 +0000 Assael Conch Pearls Brooch This Assael Conch Pearls Brooch features 5 Sakura/salmon pink Conch Pearls. Once again Assael set the standard with this unique design including a twist of Gatsby spirit in it. Looking at this brooch, you feel like being in a trendy restaurant in Manhattan in the 20’s. Piano music is playing in […]

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Assael Conch Pearls Brooch

This Assael Conch Pearls Brooch features 5 Sakura/salmon pink Conch Pearls. Once again Assael set the standard with this unique design including a twist of Gatsby spirit in it. Looking at this brooch, you feel like being in a trendy restaurant in Manhattan in the 20’s. Piano music is playing in the background and people are ready to stand up and dance. As a matter of fact, you see happiness all around and some kind of insouciance. That’s what Assael excels in every time, emotions take over.

To summarize, “Assael Conch Pearls Brooch” features Conch Pearls, Akoya Cultured Pearls, Baguette Cognac Diamonds, and Round Diamonds, handset in 18K White Gold. You know where to find it, on the 5th avenue. Not sure it will be available for long.

Assael Conch Pearls Brooch

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Mikimoto Conch Pearl brooch Sun, 01 Apr 2018 09:33:08 +0000 Mikimoto conch pearl brooch This Princesse of Monaco rose brooch is a breathtaking work from Mikimoto. A Conch Pearl glows in the center of this Mikimoto conch pearl brooch. It features a subtle flower, with delicate petals, made of diamonds and pink sapphires set the natural pearl. In addition, demantoid garnets leaves support two Tahitian […]

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Mikimoto conch pearl brooch

This Princesse of Monaco rose brooch is a breathtaking work from Mikimoto. A Conch Pearl glows in the center of this Mikimoto conch pearl brooch. It features a subtle flower, with delicate petals, made of diamonds and pink sapphires set the natural pearl. In addition, demantoid garnets leaves support two Tahitian pearls. To summarize this work, the alliance of colors from the salmon pink conch pearl, green garnets, pink sapphires and peacock Tahitian pearls is a winner.

We wish we have more work from Mikimoto shared as they are the ones who produce the more masterpieces with Conch Pearls.

Mikimoto conch pearl brooch

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Assael – Conch pearls and diamond ring Sat, 31 Mar 2018 09:29:32 +0000 Assael Conch pearls and diamond ring Based on the description Assael did, we already knew it would be an uber-exclusive piece of jewellery from the New-York based pearl expert. And guess what, it is. As a matter of fact, Assael Conch Pearls ring is unique and its design original. Conch Pearls share the center stage with pear shape […]

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Assael Conch pearls and diamond ring

Based on the description Assael did, we already knew it would be an uber-exclusive piece of jewellery from the New-York based pearl expert. And guess what, it is. As a matter of fact, Assael Conch Pearls ring is unique and its design original. Conch Pearls share the center stage with pear shape diamonds. The way they are put together is exceptional. Basically, it represents the incarnation of romanticism, where the two beloved ones meet under the stars. Set in platinum, it features 2 Sakura Pink Conch Pearls, 13.3 X 9.4 X 7.5 mm, set in Platinum with 22 Pear-Shaped Diamonds, 4.51 carats, GIA certified of course.


Assael Conch Pearls ring

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Assael – Conch pearls and South sea pearls earrings Fri, 30 Mar 2018 09:21:54 +0000 Assael Conch Pearls and south sea pearls earrings Assael is world famous for their designs and their expertise/experience in pearls. Therefore it’s not really a surprise to see those exquisite earrings. Assael Conch Pearls are complemented by Gem South Sea Pearls and Diamonds in these elegant Drop Earrings. The elegance of the design, color combination […]

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Assael Conch Pearls and south sea pearls earrings

Assael is world famous for their designs and their expertise/experience in pearls. Therefore it’s not really a surprise to see those exquisite earrings. Assael Conch Pearls are complemented by Gem South Sea Pearls and Diamonds in these elegant Drop Earrings. The elegance of the design, color combination and craftsmanship makes of those earrings a statement piece. We love them!

Those earrings include 2 Conch Natural Pearls, 10.4 X 8.2 X 6.6 mm, and 2 South Sea Cultured Pearls, 17.2 X 14.8 mm, set in a Pair of Platinum Clip-Back Earrings with 12 Marquise and Pear-Shaped Diamonds, 9.03 carats, GIA certified of course.

Assael Conch Pearls earrings

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How to value a Conch Pearl? What is the price of conch a pearl Thu, 15 Mar 2018 10:10:55 +0000 What is the Price of a conch pearl? There is not one week I don’t receive an email or a phone call, asking for help to value a Conch Pearl. The price of conch pearl could be very obscure for someone outside the trade. Moreover, believe it or not, inside the trade as well experts have […]

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What is the Price of a conch pearl?

There is not one week I don’t receive an email or a phone call, asking for help to value a Conch Pearl. The price of conch pearl could be very obscure for someone outside the trade. Moreover, believe it or not, inside the trade as well experts have difficulties to value conch pearls. Some trade for few hundreds per carat, some other can go as high as $20,000 per carat.

First of all, one needs to understand that Conch pearls are rare. I want to put the emphasis on it. It’s probably the rarest gem in the world. Therefore, only a few people have access to those pearls and this is not an easy thing to value them. Being exposed to Conch Pearls is getting rarer and rarer since the total population of the animal is decreasing. Therefore the annual “collection” of Conch Pearls decreases.

We had the chance to trade thousands and thousands of pearls over the past 20 years. As far as I’m concerned, 4 criteria play a crucial role in the valuation of a Conch Pearl.

Price elements of Conch Pearl :

  1. The Shape: It’s the most important element since it is the one which will define the Jewellery one will able to produce. The most sought after are the round ones, this they are extremely rare, due to the internal shape of the shell. Then the oval shape, marquise, semi-baroque and baroque.
  2. The color: The pinkier, the better. Some markets value sakura pink over flamingo pink or salmon pink, whereas others put the flamingo pink first. It’s a question of taste on this part of the end customers.
  3. The weight: Nothing complicated here, the bigger, the better, the more value your pearl would have.
  4. Flame structure. Despite the fact that most people put it as a major element in the price structure, I personally prefer putting it as the last factor which adds a tremendous premium on the price of a Conch Pearl if and only if the other factors are here.

A 1ct baroque brown pearl with a “fire gem” flame structure will have more or less the same value as a similar pearl with no visible flame structure. On the contrary, a 5ct oval pearl with a “silky gem” flame structure could worth 10 times more than the same pearl without a visible flame.

In conclusion, as many other gems, there is always a part of subjectivity based on emotions for those natural pearls, nevertheless, those 4 factors are the key drivers when it comes to price your Conch Pearl.

Here is some Gemological Approach to conch pearls

Price of conch pearl
Conch pearls diversity

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Conch Pearls come from the Strombus gigas Wed, 14 Mar 2018 10:10:06 +0000 Strombus Gigas There are more than 60 different species of conch in the Caribbean. The queen conch, Lobatus gigas,  originally known as Strombus gigas, is the most common and economically important in the Caribbean. The Queen Conch is herbivorous, leaving in seagrass beds. Its habitat varies depending on its development stage. The adult animal has a very large […]

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Strombus Gigas

There are more than 60 different species of conch in the Caribbean. The queen conch, Lobatus gigas,  originally known as Strombus gigas, is the most common and economically important in the Caribbean.

The Queen Conch is herbivorous, leaving in seagrass beds. Its habitat varies depending on its development stage. The adult animal has a very large shell that can reach 40 cm. It’s a heavy and solid one, with a large outer lip with a colorful opening. The Strombus Gigas reach the adult age at 4 years old and can live until 20 years old. They dwell in warm and shallow waters, eating seagrass.

Community living

The Queen conch shell hosts a lot of different living organisms. Slipper snails, porcelain crabs, and cardinalfish live on the shell. This is a crucial factor regarding the formation of Conch Pearls. We will see that in another post. In a nutshell, the Conch Pearl is created by the reaction of the Strombus Gigas to a tiny hole drilled by a sea snail.


The Strombus Gigas has a large foot allowing the gastropod to move toward the bottom of the ocean. The Queen Conch fist fixes the posterior part of the foot in the sand, then drag the anterior part further, flexing the whole foot to create impulsion. The gastropod is a very good climber, changing depth depending on the temperature of the water and the presence of seagrass.


Strombus Gigas Queen conch


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The Queen Conch, its role in the ecosystem Tue, 13 Mar 2018 10:10:44 +0000 The Queen Conch ecosystem The Caribbean has its own ecosystem. Amongst what can be considered as a hostile environment, the Queen Conch has its own position. Considered as a specialist, the Strombus Gigas eats primarily algal and detritus. As adults in large number, they can have a major influence on benthic productivity processes. For example, young […]

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The Queen Conch ecosystem

The Caribbean has its own ecosystem. Amongst what can be considered as a hostile environment, the Queen Conch has its own position. Considered as a specialist, the Strombus Gigas eats primarily algal and detritus. As adults in large number, they can have a major influence on benthic productivity processes. For example, young individuals feeding on seagrass remains seagrass epiphytes and macroalgae. It plays an important role in regulating the abundance of seagrass detritus. Therefore the Queen Conch population has a direct influence on the overall structure of the macrofaunal communities. In other words, the Queen Conch takes part in the cleaning process of the Caribbeans water. In addition, it plays an important role in the regulation of the food available for other species.


As a key species in the scheme of marine biodiversity and marine dynamics, there are several predators of the Queen Conch. It includes first of all the tulip snail (Fasciolaria tulipa) and the apple murex (Phyllonotus pomon). Also, other carnivorous species such as octopus (Octupus vulgaris), spiny lobster (Panulirus argus), old wife (Balistes vetula). And finally spotted eagle ray (Aerobatus Narinari), tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvieri), nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) and loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta). The shell is its major defense system, with its strong foot, allowing the mollusk to move easily on the bottom of the ocean.


Queen Conch Strombus Gigas on seagrass

A queen conch, Lobatus gigas, grazes on seagrass in The Bahamas.

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